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Who owns the hot water plant?

A: The Hot Water Plant and the Remote Metering System is usually owned and maintained by Smart Energy Systems for the duration of the agreement.

Who pays for the installation of the plant?

A: Smart Energy Systems will subsidise the development costs of the gas hot water plant and metering equipment. This includes installation of the hot water plant and fluing, fit off of the metering equipment, and commissioning of the system.

How does the tenant or owner-occupier pay Smart Energy?

A: Billing is conducted on a quarterly cycle and is based on the quantity of hot water used. Payments can be made by cheque, credit card or fund transfer. Smart Energy Systems takes advantage of Bulk Rates in supplying gas to it’s customers and is therefore able to offer hot water tariffs that are competitive with electric hot water systems.

Who does the billing?

A: Billing is done by Smart Energy Systems or its nominee. At the expiration of the original agreement, and if the body corporate does not take up the renewal option, Smart Energy can continue to perform the billing function on behalf of the body corporate.

Who is the agreement between?

A: The Building Developer signs a Deed of Agreement with Smart Energy Systems and this contract is assigned to the body corporate once the community titles scheme is established.

What is the duration of the agreement?

A: Smart Energy Systems usually require a ten-year contract, with provision for a five-year renewal option.

Do Smart Energy bill for the actual water used?

A: No, the metering and billing of hot water usage does not include the water itself, but rather the provision of gas and other services required for the heating of such water. Smart Energy Systems can gather information on behalf of the body corporate to assist in proportioning the local council’s water consumption charges.

How often are the tariffs reviewed?

A: In Natural Gas area the tariffs are reviewed annually and in LPG areas, quarterly. The tariff may be increased in line with CPI increases or increases in the government gazetted capped tariff currently in place for the network gas suppliers.